Relationship Compatibility (Synastry)

Relationship Compatibility (Synastry)

$250 For 2 People

Relationship charts are useful in clarifying friendships, business partnerships, marriage, romantic encounters, parent-child dynamics, or any other significant relationships between people.
Merriam-Webster defines “synastry” as concurrence of starry position or influence upon two persons.
Synastry is the study of relationships by comparing natal (birth) horoscopes. It reveals the strengths and weaknesses in a relationship, indicates the means to amplify the positive and reduce the effects of the negative aspects, and deepens understanding of how the relationship influences the paired personality’s individual development. Consultation lasts 2 hours.

Info needed

  • For each person:
  • Date of Birth
  • Location of Birth
  • Time of Birth (from a birth record)
  • What is the nature of the relationship–husband-wife, business partners, brother-sister, etc?
  • Is there a matter you would like more insight into?