Natal Chart Readings (Birth Charts)
Natal Chart Reading
This 45-minute consultation provides a comprehensive interpretation of your horoscopic chart, which is a diagram of the heavens showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac at the exact time of your birth.
Info needed
- Date of Birth
- Location of Birth
- Time of Birth (from a birth record)
Natal Consultation Plus Forecast
This hour and 30 minute consultation will cover the natal reading and upcoming year’s astrological themes.
Info needed
- Date of Birth
- Location of Birth
- Time of Birth (from a birth record)
- Is there a matter you would like more insight into?
Natal Consultation Plus Forecast 3 mini readings
This 45-minute consultation provides a comprehensive interpretation of your horoscopic chart, which is a diagram of the heavens showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac at the exact time of your birth.
Info needed
- Date of Birth
- Location of Birth
- Time of Birth (from a birth record)
- Is there a matter you would like more insight into?
Natal Consultation Plus Forecast 6 mini readings
This 45-minute consultation provides a comprehensive interpretation of your horoscopic chart, which is a diagram of the heavens showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac at the exact time of your birth.
Info needed
- Date of Birth
- Location of Birth
- Time of Birth (from a birth record)
- Is there a matter you would like more insight into?
Natal Consultation Plus Forecast 12 mini readings
This 45-minute consultation provides a comprehensive interpretation of your horoscopic chart, which is a diagram of the heavens showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac at the exact time of your birth.
Info needed
- Date of Birth
- Location of Birth
- Time of Birth (from a birth record)
- Is there a matter you would like more insight into?